Welcome: Intenova Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Language: Chinese ∷  English

Training Services

Training Services include:

Training in Intellectual Property Theory and Practice

Customised Courses on Intellectual Property

Customised Courses: Our firm offers tailor-made courses designed according to the needs of the client's company, sending our Enterprise Trainers to provide training on location.

Public Seminars: Our firm actively cooperations with the local Intellectual Property Office, SME Association, colleges and universities to hold various public seminars. Open courses include: patent mining, patent planning, patent infringement and enforcement of rights, guidance for the implementation of standards, high-tech enterprise policies, etc.


Contact: Richard Huang

Tel: +86-133-1370-9579

Email: mail@intenova.cn

Add: 601, No. 54-1 Guanri Rd., Software Park Phase 2, Siming Dist., Xiamen 361008 CHINA

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